Undergraduate Blog/职业发展



这项实习向我介绍了几种启动通常使用的新工具和软件。作为数据实习生,我的大部分任务要求我分析从客户那里收集的数据,并根据其行为创建建议,以改善用户体验。此外,我能够使用这些数据来假设如何在某些领域优化业务。为了完成任务,我必须使用不同的软件,包括Looker,Amplitude,Google Analytics(分析)和Microsoft Excel。在反思我作为数据实习生学到的知识时,我注意到技术是我所有任务的核心,而且技术行业的繁荣导致了数据分析领域的创建。Saucey的客户使用客户应用程序(iOS和Android)或网站下达订单,这需要我们跟踪平台明智的性能。为此,我使用了不同的在线工具,例如振幅,Google Analytics(分析)和由特定生态系统区分的单个应用程序存储来跟踪不同的指标。此外,几乎所有部门都将Microsoft Excel用于简单数据管理,因为它易于使用。除此之外,Saucey还利用了“商业套房”的优势,其中包括云的好处,还创造了封闭的公司环境。

Apart from the tasks I performed, Saucey as a company embraces technology in other ways too. I experienced a culture shock when I realized Slack was Saucey’s primary mode of communication unlike in any prior work experience where people chose to use their phone or talk in person. When I really thought about it, Slack is a tool that perfectly fits a work environment as it has several features that help eliminate unnecessary work and includes unique add-ons that can help a company in several ways. Another way Saucey uses technology to make things more efficient is by using Google Calendars where people can directly book time with a colleague by simply looking at their schedules to see when they are not busy. This eliminates the need for back and forth conversation and completely removes the need for assistants and secretaries. In addition, Saucey uses other online tools such as Asana that help create and delegate tasks within teams and helps managers with looking at timelines with detailed views on progress. Tools such as these were unknown to me before my internship, and after using them daily, I have been able to see the advantages technology offers. This is because these tools allow a company to automate several tasks and at the same time, they provide easy integration with other online tools.
