Undergraduate Blog/Career Development

Idea to Buzzfeed

Working at my internship this summer has pushed me to really reach out to others and start collaborations along the way. One of the biggest projects that I worked on this summer was with Buzzfeed. I initially reached out to one of their producers about an idea I had and talking to them was pretty intimidating at first. However, after exchanging emails for awhile, I was able to warm up to them and speak pretty freely. When reaching out to others a tip that I have is : a no can become a yes in the future. When I first reached out to a producer on Buzzfeed, I was told that if I wanted a video created specifically for the company, it would have to be “sponsored content.” I replied back that there was not a huge marketing budget and therefore would not be able to afford that content. I was able to keep in touch and eventually she proposed a video idea two weeks later. Overall, the experience was very enjoyable and it allowed me to see the production side of a Buzzfeed video. Additionally, it taught me skills in communication and the value of making relationships. This whole process also showed me how taking initiative can really get things done.

Ps. The video is coming out in late August