Undergraduate Blog/Career Development

Internship Highlights

As I head into the final week of my internship. I find myself looking back at the wonderful experiences I’ve racked up this Summer. It’s a bittersweet moment as I prepare to say goodbye to the city while envisioning the exciting opportunities to come. Below are just some of my highlights from my internship:

  1. The people!I could not have done it without the people I met along the way. From my supervisors to my fellow interns, they were the ones who truly made the experience so welcoming and positive. The diverse sets of background and skills coming together to collaborate has made it all the more interesting.
  2. Getting Tasks Done.Nothing beats checking something off the to-do list. Throughout my time at the company, I loved to finish any of my assigned tasks because I would get to pick up new skills every time and it would gratify me with the most rewarding feeling. I knew that with each task completed, I was honing my technical skills.
  3. The Final Project.I first heard about the interns’ final project in my phone interview. Since then, the buildup of the project began and I was eager to tackle it while on the job. The project split interns into various teams of 5-6 people and we were assigned to create a 2020 media plan. The last part of the assignment was to present to executives of the company. The project served as a great way for me to connect with more interns and put my knowledge to use. I’m so glad to have had this opportunity!

What were some of your highlights from this Summer?