Undergraduate Blog/Career Development

3 Techniques Interns Can Use To Make Managing Time While Working From Home Simple and Easy



1. Hour-by-Hour Master Schedule

I am very visual, so I use techniques that clearly show me what I need to work on and when. Color coding has become my best friend for completing projects on time. My master schedule is a table in OneNote that gives me an hour by hour breakdown of my day. I rely on this constantly to keep me on track. At the end of every day, I reflect on what I completed, and create a schedule for the next day or so. It’s color coded in a way that separates my work, daily life, and hobbies or personal projects.

2. Trello Boards


3. Google Calendar

谷歌日历对我工作很好的跟踪啊f meetings. Working remotely has made me look forward to meetings so much, just because I get to talk to people! It is also so important to be on time and prepared for meetings because they are your chance to speak your mind, ask questions, and get to know your coworkers. I use Google calendar to schedule meetings and send me reminders 30 minutes before so I know to start prepping for that call or video chat. I like to only put meetings here so I can use the amount of white space for each day to help me visualize how much time I have for individual projects.

These strategies plus sticky notes for small reminders help keep me on track so I can bring my best work to the table every day. While working remotely with hours on your hands to spend how you choose may seem daunting, using these techniques can help make time management simple and easy.