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2020 has undoubtedly been a crucible. It has been a year of natural disasters, political unrest, social justice movements, and the Covid-19 pandemic. However, in the midst of the chaos, 2020 has also been a year for change and reflection.

Like many others, I lost my internship in the spring. I was on track to work with Macy’s in New York City this summer as a Store Management Intern. After losing my internship, I struggled to find another given that it’s late in the spring and many other companies were also cancelling. I applied to 30 internships in the course of a week and not a single one responded. Instead of giving up, I tapped into my network and now I am interning with Dollaride, a mobility start-up in Brooklyn. Having persevered and pivoted from my original plans, here are my top three takeaways from this crucible:

保持坚强、专注和雄心勃勃:As we’ve learned in FME, a problem is an opportunity. Use this chaos to fuel your ambitions and bounce back on a new path. It’s simply survival of the fitness. If you survive, you’ve adapted to the change and is one step ahead of everyone who hasn’t.

Tap into your Network:我正在努力寻找一个新的实习,所以我决定从去年夏天的一个电话给我的主管,他非常乐意让我回来。

Analyze your Experiences:你以前的工作经历中有没有一个趋势?在巴布森和梅西百货成为我进入时尚和零售业的门户之后,我就打算进入这个行业。然而,我又回到了我的流动性创业公司,在分析了我过去的经验之后,一切都指向了可持续发展和城市规划。这就是为什么现在我正在申请富布赖特奖学金回到新加坡,以进一步金博宝发现这个行业,我已经转向。