本科博客金博宝官网/标签:管理和企业家的基础(FME) - 第3页


并非所有业务:FME Dodgeball锦标赛

虽然Babson Collecte的创业企业管理的第一年的学生基础是全面运营的,但他们最近从事事物的业务方面休息,以便在年度FME Dodgeball锦标赛中竞争。金博宝大约十几名队伍参加了由2016年班级课程的锦标赛和......






So as many of you know, a huge part of being a Babson First Year is the FME program. In November I was put in the company of A Taste of Wellesley, and we were lucky enough to make it through as one of the final two companies for my class. A week after this,…


Stirring Up Global Change

哪所学校会疯狂足以给一群近三十名学生3000美元,并告诉他们开始自己的业务 - 从开始完成自己,做出自己的决定。欢迎来到Babson 金博宝College。我目前在Mixitmug,一个现实生活,运营业务,运行......的企业社会责任的VP

Leandra Grinage


Hello, My second semester has begun! I have a new set of professors and classes. So far, I have a feeling that I will have an interesting and productive semester. I have to say I am very excited to start selling my FME product. My FME business is a device that automatically rolls up headphone wires to prevent tangle. As…





金博宝Babson返回:FME 1985

The 21st century is all about the here, the now and the new. We are always thinking about tomorrow, often before today is even over. Take Babson’s Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship (FME) for example. In this 7-credit, yearlong immersion course in business, students create a company, choose a target market and sell their product.…


It’s been an event-filled few weeks for the Class of 2015 Steering Committee! On April 3rd, the Annual “FME Dodgeball” competition was held. In an exciting best-of-three series, SOS Stamp Out Suicide defeated Critter Caps 2-1. After the competition, the champions took on members of the Class of 2015 Steering Committee, including advisors Dan Kwash…

金博宝Babson 2012 FME计划全摇摆

我们距离2012年春季几乎是一半,FME Busiensses全面展开!2012年2月14日发生的年度FME展会取得了巨大成功。可以在此处查看活动的图片。像Lazerwear服装,H2Go,邮票自杀等公司,以及许多其他人都在广告他们的产品......

Babson Spring Cest金博宝er的节奏

The Spring semester at Babson college has a remarkably different rhythm than the Fall semester. The fall semester begins with a burst of energy with all the excitement of kicking off a new academic year. In addition, the fall semester does not have break until deep into the semester at Thanksgiving. So there is a…