Undergraduate Blog/ Tag: impact

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Taking an Unconventional Summer Internship

“The best things I’ve done in life are things that nobody else does,” one of my close friends said to me as I was deciding what internship opportunities to pursue this summer. Between choosing a more corporate sales position, versus something more unconventional, I was conflicted. However, the unconventional opportunity existed in the realm of…

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My Career Needs

Through my internship this summer, I learned a great deal about my work habits as well as what I want in a career. This is invaluable information as it will help me focus on what type of career to look for and what type of company culture will allow me to best succeed. Please note…

The surprise I had when I came to California…

When I arrived in Palo Alto for my internship, the first “assignment” I had was to go to a lecture that my boss was giving in Stanford. It was a lecture, which I have listened to many more times now, but that always “sticks” with me. He showed statistics of the Latino presence in the…

Making an IMPACT

At the beginning of my search for a summer internship, I didn’t even consider working for a non-profit. I was thinking a large financial firm, a cutting edge sports company, or an innovative start-up. Something flashy. However, I have found my time at IMPACT Melanoma to be rewarding in more ways than one. The small…

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What makes Donii better

Picture this: You’re rustling through the back of your closet one afternoon on an ambitious effort to de-clutter your room when you reach an overwhelming conclusion… You have way too much stuff. Well, you knew this fact before, but now your things have somehow exploded across your room like a tornado came sweeping through moments…