Undergraduate Blog/ Tag: Inspiring

What You Need to Know Before Starting a Career In Real Estate

我的journey into real estate started not that long ago in the summer of 2018, when I was required to take the Massachusetts Real Estate exam. In order to begin my internship at Boston City Properties, I had to have my Real Estate License in order to send, receive, and interact with clients entering the…

Time Management: Stay True, Stay You

Time management is being able to allocate your time effectively to spend on specific activities while also taking care of yourself. Done correctly, this would allow you to complete more, lower fatigue, and increase productivity. At LearnLux, there are always multiple projects that I have to juggle, which I find as a perk. I usually…

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Why VCs and 03 venture capitalists that inspired me

This summer, I am interning at a venture capital (VC) firm in Hanoi, Vietnam. The question I’ve been asked the most since the start of my internship is: “Why VCs?” I have a thousand answers for this question but it all comes down to one reason: The people! For every decision I make in life,…

Two Awesome Tuesday Events

While on my way to work in the Admissions Department, Tuesday morning, a couple of students from the Class of 2013 Steering Committee, driving a Babson van, offered me a ride. I was happy they were so persuasive, because when the door opened, I saw blinking lights on the seats.Then they shouted “Welcome to the…