
Time Out Rooftop Series

过去的一周是纽约非常忙碌的一周。除了我在实习期间通常的职责外,I also helped with a lot of event planning for last night'sOn The Rooftopparty.这个On The Rooftop派对是一系列的派对,整个夏天都会在这个城市最好的屋顶上举行。昨晚的聚会在下东区的德兰西俱乐部举行。

After a full day of work,我的经理,Diane,我的实习生们从托尼总部乘出租车到俱乐部。为了装饰,我们把最新一期的《超时》杂志的复印件散布在屋顶上,并安排了我们的赞助商。Stella Artois',金博宝posters for all the guests to see.当酒吧布置好了,一切都很好的时候,我们让客人去参加聚会。我的朋友/实习生同事,Jamie,and I were in charge of the door.As the large amounts of guests strolled in we had to make sure their names were on the guest list and see that they paid for a ticket.

The event lasted from around 6pm until 9pm.The turnout was great and it was definitely a success for Time Out.通过这次活动,我不仅认识了不同部门的员工,还认识了杂志的许多重要撰稿人。

在帮助策划了这次活动并看到了成功所采取的所有步骤之后,我对市场营销和活动策划界的兴趣只会变得更强。I love the feeling of success after the event has ended and dealing with the different steps it took to get there.Although it was hard work,结果是值得的,我甚至玩得很开心!