Under金博宝官网graduate Blog/Career Development

Blogging for Success

I've been writing a number of blog 金博宝posts this summer as a guest blogger f金博宝or Babson's Center for Career Development.

I received a grant to assist me during the summer,and one of the conditions was that I blog about my experience at least eight times.I was more than happy to do that because of the help that CCD was providing.

However,I didn't fully expect that blogging would also help me at my agency.Through blogging,I was able to have my thoughts shared around the agency,even to people I may not typically interact with.They were able to see not only my writing skills,but the level of thought that I put into the work I do.

The reason I say all this is because I'm not a blogging believer.If any of my readers have an internship (or a full-time job) it's a great idea to blog about your experiences and share it with a supervisor or two–you never know who could end up reading it!


Ross Andrew Simons