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The Pilot and Quality Control

Part of my work has been being in the field and servicing the Pay-As-You-Go kits that are being used in the pilot.我学到的一个教训是,在产品测试中偷工减料是不合算的,因为如果产品表现不好,试点将变成无效。A lack of testing on the pilot kits has led the batteries to be drawn down at a rate much higher than expected.This is because the keypad and LCD screen use a lot more energy than predicted in the original design specifications.

Because of this defect,许多系统都需要密集的服务。通过密集的服务,I mean walking a half hour between homes.In addition,没有很清楚地解释说工具包不能打开,so the community leader,who was our primary contact,告诉客户他们可以打开他们的工具包,尝试安装系统。I have seen more and more that Guatemalans are so used to the informal economy that they easily believe that they can take apart systems.This was another example of poor community leadership and contacts in communities.