

我叫莱斯利·摩尔,是巴布森学院的一名新生。金博宝Before I start my 10 week internship at Shriners Hospital for children I want to provide some background as to why I chose to work in healthcare this summer.

Early in high school,I considered working in healthcare administration;I had family-friends in similar professions.However,when I first arrived at 金博宝Babson I was simply a confused first-year student who wanted to experience all the aspects of business before deciding what industry I would focus on for the future.I did not know what I was good at,or even what careers would be good for me.听学生们抱怨他们对金融的迷恋,或者成为投资银行家的目标让我感到焦虑,让我觉得自己落后了。虽然在现实中,discovering my passion was just around the corner.  As life distracted me from school and dwelling over my future,I figured something out about myself: I want to work for a cause and know that the work I am doing is benefitting those in need.

我曾经读过一句话:每一次经历,不管有多糟,holds within it a blessing of some kind.目标是找到它。

在我和祖母一起生活了十二年之后,去年夏天,她患了一种精神和身体疾病,迫使我们把她送进了疗养院。她在疗养院的时间被治疗得很差,失去了家人,a feeling mutually shared by those closest to her.However,one occupational therapist really stood out for her patience and commitment to her job.I will never forget my mother turning to me with tears in her eyes and saying,“那人显然是个合适的职业。”她的话让我难以忘怀,那一天,我决定我需要热爱我所做的工作,并且知道我所做的工作正在改善别人的生活。When you love what you do it is easy to be good at it,就像那天这位职业治疗师向我证明的那样。So I decided to look for internships in the healthcare field.

This is why as a business student,最后我在医疗保健部门工作。As a student from 金博宝Babson,I am confident that I can use my entrepreneurial education anywhere.As a donor development intern at Shriners Hospital for Children located in Boston Massachusetts,I will be exposed to the healthcare industry and the different business objectives within a world-renowned hospital.I am excited to work under the director's supervision and learn how hospitals develop and operate financially.我今年夏天的主要目标之一是找出我在医疗行业中特别感兴趣的地方,how healthcare data bases work and how I can use my 金博宝Babson education in a unique way.