
Going into Extra Innings

作为一名实习生,我已经适应了我的新生活,我感到非常幸运能到我所在的地方。Working for the Spinners has already taught me so much and I have had an incredibly fun experience as well.I absolutely love the culture and getting to know my colleagues has been a great experience.我将在未来的岗位上处理我们公司的文化问题。金博宝

今天的帖子是关于金博宝超越别人对你的要求。We all have our 9-5 duties that occupy the majority of our internships.However,it is the optional extra tasks that you can take on that will separate you from the competition.我个人想确保我充分利用暑期实习机会,并在有机会的时候承担额外的任务。这不仅显示出巨大的主动性,but it also helps me further bond with my fellow interns and makes me a little extra cash.

为一个棒球队工作,我有机会活出一些工作经验,大多数人永远不会有机会去做。我做过广播播音员,穿着吉祥物套装跑垒(不推荐)和同事一起在田里玩接球游戏。我没想到会做这些工作,但一有机会就跳了起来。我期待着我的下一个新体验,无论是作为一个花生卖主工作还是经营一个特许经营点。Being in intern it is important to stand out from your peers and be willing to help out however necessary.不要害怕超越你的工作描述,这会给你的上级留下深刻的印象。