

对于我偶然得知今年夏天将在卢旺达实习的每一个人,自动回复一直是,"Why Rwanda?" This instinctive inquiry,通常用睁大眼睛发问的眼神,最终会让人困惑。考虑到今年夏天我在安永会计师事务所波士顿办事处实习了六周,我选择立即在基加利银行卢旺达总部进金博宝行无薪实习,这也许是荒谬的。我不只是第一年吗?为什么我要花10周的暑期实习时间?为什么我要匆忙进入“奉承生活”?And what would I be doing living alone in Rwanda for a month with no family or close relatives there?好吧,这是一个合理的问题-而且通常,我自己也考虑过这个问题,wondering where I get my "loony" ideas and ambitious self-drive to overachieve and bite more than is necessary.尽管实习了整整两周,我还是得出结论,我做了正确的决定。In the words of Dr Seuss,"Life is a great balancing act." The decisions I made this summer allowed me to balance my career and life ambitions with my desire to be independent,to deviate from the norm,to amass a varied amount of knowledge and to have an active,充实的夏天。

选择卢旺达的一个关键原因是冒险。I left Kenya to study in Switzerland at the age of fifteen and I like to believe that from then on,我成了一个旅行者。我很幸运有机会去欧洲许多城市旅行,在来到美国之前,我在中东冒险了几次,我目前的目标是访问每一个州。像这样的,although the idea of interning in Rwanda,一个我从未见过的非洲小国,这是一种与众不同的体验。

“我会住在哪里?我会安全吗?”的确,当我通过一封电子邮件回复这个机会时,所有典型的怀疑问题确实在我脑海中浮现,提交我的简历和一封详细说明我兴趣的求职信。分别地,it crossed my mind that this was a crazy idea but nonetheless,我做了一个决定——我是虎头蛇尾。

That said,这不是一个盲目的决定,因为我确实权衡了我的选择,并考虑了这个“冒险”决定的风险因素。大约在2月/3月,我遇到了这个机会。这不是在卢旺达的银行实习,就是在哈萨克斯坦实习。Although I was not conversant with the national language of either country,考虑到我来自肯尼亚,卢旺达是我更安全的选择,which is in the same East African region.当我做出决定时,我还必须记住,我已经在安永(Ernst&Young)实习了6周,暑假被分成了两半——在安永实习前3周,在实习后的四个星期,在开学前。我选择在我的安永实习结束后立即进行实习。

Another key factor in making the decision to intern in Rwanda was my uncertainty about the career path I wanted to follow.Debating between the Finance,会计,Economics and Entrepreneurship concentration weighed heavily in my head,and so I was keen to kill two,if not more birds with one stone during the summer.在安永的实习会让我接触到会计(事实证明,这不仅仅是我最终发现的会计)。虽然在基加利银行实习可以让我探索金融,one of my major interests.作为第一年,I was yet to take any of the major coursework for either concentration and so these internships would allow me to explore these career interests,同时也学习了一些技术技能的序曲,我将要参加的课程。

事实上,我主要在银行当学徒;因此,I have not been assigned any major/ demanding workload that is beyond my competency.此外,我决定在银行内轮换哪个部门,因此,我可以根据自己的兴趣调整实习经验。关于有一个积极的,盛夏,我很高兴能利用这个机会探索卢旺达能提供什么。令人激动的是,卢旺达自1994年对少数族裔的大规模暴行发生以来,已经走上了增长和恢复的道路。The population is young,the people are driven and the country's growth is rivaling other African countries,particularly in the East African region where Kenya's strong economy has traditionally been the heavyweight.作为一个肯尼亚人和学者,这种现象在智力上是刺激的。Moreover,虽然基加利银行是卢旺达最大的银行,it is still to an extent much smaller when compared to other banks globally.像这样的,了解银行的运营情况要容易得多,the culture and the various departments,除了有机会会见银行的高级人员和首席执行官之外。在美国大型银行实习时,员工的可及性水平和对银行各部门的知识广度可能会受到更多限制。尽管如此,this experience sets me up to delve deeper into an area of interest at a bigger organization;如果我真的决定在一家大银行实习的话。最后但并非最不重要,我很幸运,我的家人和朋友们选择从肯尼亚飞过来,在我在这里逗留的不同时期探望我;因此,没有一个空闲的周末或时刻。肯尼亚和卢旺达之间的距离很近,这意味着我可以选择飞回家,或者像发生的那样,have a family member/ friend visit  for each of the weekends I have been here.我也有幸住在离工作地点不远的公寓里,在总统府所在的地区,hence it is a very clean,卢旺达安全而现代化的地区,提供多种便利设施。

尽管迄今为止实习取得了成功,在卢旺达实习的过程并不容易。鉴于这是一个无薪实习,我不得不寻求财政援助来支付主要开支,我以最大的精力和热情很早就开始了这项工作。我的精力主要集中在巴布森提供的资源上。金博宝漫长而艰苦的过程包括向职业发展中心递交申请,和巴布森的各个办公室交谈,金博宝尽管有六个小时的时差,但还是定期与我的实习主管联系,sending emails back and forth,跟进提醒,打电话……在整个过程中,我还必须在安排实习的各个阶段与不同的办公室/个人打交道——从职业发展中心,the President's Office,my faculty mentor,the Glavin Office,学生金融服务办公室等。最后,所有的问题都解决了,我有足够的资金支持来支付我的返程机票,我的生活费以及在银行实习期间的报酬。Indeed,what initially seemed like a far-fetched idea,finally came to fruition.