

作为一名商业学生,我想利用暑假探索一个可以补充我巴布森商学院教育的不同行业。金博宝由于技术对未来越来越重要,I have decided to expand my skills in software development and computer sciences.To do this I have chosen to work with Horizons School of Technology,今年夏天在旧金山。

My first week was a week of absorbing information,asking questions,and working endless hours to understanding information that was very foreign to me.Along with this,我第一周的一个主要目标是了解每个队友,and mentors,在个人层面上。这些人中的每一个人都很有成就,经历了我做梦都想不到的经历。听他们的故事教会了我和我工作内容一样多的东西。The first week of this job followed the same pattern as many of my other jobs,因为有那么多新的人要见面,所以这一周往往是最忙的一周,new things to learn,还有很多要探索的地方,但这也是最棒的一周。
