

几个月前,我在硅谷的一家计算机视觉初创公司当了产品设计实习生。I started my internship with a clear goal – give my best and leave a legacy inside the company.I was very confident that all my previous experience as a start-up founder would help a lot in the customer development and product design process.Thus,I had no doubt that I could nail it and impress everybody.

实习开始了,我很震惊。我周围都是非常聪明的人,ranging from quantum computing experts to top universities 金博宝官网graduates – intelligent,proficient,and driven colleagues.I felt incredibly lucky to work with such amazing people,yet horrified to realize how little I knew.First of all,I got to understand,再一次,that start-ups are counter-intuitive and that while high-level processes might be similar across multiple companies,the actual frameworks and actions widely differ.Second of all,在顶尖工程师的不断包围下,我意识到自己对计算机科学和技术的了解是如此之少。

Therefore,我必须选择——我是否应该是一个表面上精通的人,know-it-all legacy maker or should I be the dumb yet curious legacy maker?请注意,我作出重大贡献的目标保持不变。

我对自己很诚实,所以我找了第二个选项,这是我能做的最好的决定。当然,it was not always comfortable to acknowledge my dumbness,但这是学习负荷的最好方法,while working on my legacy.

总的来说,this is my advice to all the interns out there: first,be aware that there is so much you don't know;第二个,允许这种信念指导你的行为,并提出无数问题,without fearing that your coworkers will think you are dumb (they may actually admire your curiosity);third,build your legacy within the company.