
That's a Wrap

实习结束后,我有机会反思我在那里所学到的一切。我学到的最重要的一点是,事情可能并不总是按计划进行的,而且这项工作的很大一部分是如何超出我的控制范围,并由其他人(如客户经理)控制的,但主要是招聘经理。I came to the realization that there is only so much I can do on my end and only so many steps I can take to help my consultant get to the interview stage.之后,它就掌握在他们自己的手中,也掌握在客户经理和招聘经理的手中。This really taught me to take the pressure off myself when things did not go as hoped after interviews.It taught me that there is more beyond what the naked eye can see,especially when it comes to the recruiting and staffing industries.As a recruiter or even as an account manager,你对收到的工作指令只有这么多控制权。Getting a job order and setting people up for interviews is only half the battle and the rest comes when it comes to remaining in contact with the hiring managers,进行面试,理想情况下得到一份工作。

我还了解到总是向你的顾问提出那些困难和不舒服的问题是多么重要,因为在一天结束的时候,最糟糕的情况是他们说不,but at least you know you tried.我意识到真正了解你的顾问是多么重要,因为当你把他们介绍给客户经理时,这会有所帮助。总的来说,我从这次实习中吸取了很多经验,学到了一些小技巧和小窍门,我甚至没有意识到这些技巧和小窍门对成为一名优秀的招聘人员起到了一定的作用。