Undergraduate Blog/ Author: Christina Symanski

Christina Symanski

Greek Week 2013!


Christina Symanski

To the Library.

春天突破到拐角处,这意味着一个 - 中期。我可以轻松地说中期是Babson学生学期的第二个最紧张的时期(总决赛和新生的FME的火箭音乐)。金博宝考试通常是累积的,导致他们的夜晚很长,如果你被困在......

Christina Symanski

Busy During the Women’s Overnight

Last night was a very exciting night on campus–it was the Women’s Overnight! Babson’s Women’s Overnight is an evening we invite women accepted for the class of 2017 to come to campus to learn more about life at Babson, as well as the Center for Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership. After a yummy dinner with some great…

Christina Symanski

Memoirs of a Freshman

每当有人问我最喜欢的babson内存已经是什么 - 如果我在希腊星期的Quid金博宝ditch游戏我的新生年度说谎,我会撒谎。希腊人和非希腊人相似蜂拥而至,周六越来越多的田野,观看100多个兄弟会男女和姐妹女童战斗......在玩quidditch周围跑来跑去。存在…

Christina Symanski

Knee Deep In Nemo!

As most of you in the northeast are probably aware, there was a little snow in Wellesley this weekend. Although it snowed a LOT, I had a great weekend! Friday night, a bunch of my sorority sisters and I braved the blizzard and went sledding. Friday night the snow didn’t seem so bad…it was only…

Christina Symanski

A Typical Week In The Life

Hey everyone! There have been a number of prospective students asking what a typical Babson student’s schedule looks like, and the answer most of you probably heard was, “well there isn’t really a typical Babson student but…” Well… That’s kind of my answer too. I wouldn’t consider myself a “typical” Babson student, but I’ll give…

Christina Symanski

Firesides in Memphis

This weekend I had the pleasure to fly down to Memphis, TN with another one of my sorority sisters to represent the Babson chapter of our sorority–Chi Omega. At the convention, or as we call it–Firesides, my sister Danielle and I attended a number of seminars and learned a great deal about the National Panhellenic…

Christina Symanski


It’s the second week back at Babson and as usual, we hit the ground running! It’s been great to get back in the swing of things on campus after such a long, but much needed winter break. This week is going to be especially busy–not only do I have a monthly all-greek presidents’ meeting for…

Christina Symanski

The End Is Near!

It seems like just yesterday when I moved into the chi omega tower, and all of a sudden it’s the week before finals! Ironically, this week is busier for me that next week with finals will be. I have 3 final presentations to deliver this week, which has led to some lengthy group meetings and practices.…

Christina Symanski

#Babson everywhere

关于课堂外的Babson的最喜欢的事情之一就是我们必须参与的所有金博宝有趣团体和组织。而且 - 校园内的所有活动,俱乐部和组织全年都持续了!当我来到Babson时,我从一金博宝天开始忙碌的地面忙碌。一世…