Undergraduate Blog/ Career Development - page 4

Seeking Personal Growth

As a college freshman on financial aid, the internship search was incredibly painstaking. It was hard to find positions that were hiring freshman to begin with, and the ones that did hire freshman were often unpaid without housing. While it was tempting to apply for internships that offered the biggest paychecks, I wanted a work…

Honing Skills From Inside and Outside the Classroom

Throughout my time at Babson so far, I was able to take courses that interested me in the marketing field taught by experienced professors. Introduction to marketing really helped me realize that this was something I would want to do in the future. Professor Sandy Bravo’s passion for marketing really stuck with me. Seeing a…

You Can’t Manage until You’ve Done the Job Yourself

Have you ever been assigned a tedious task that could’ve been done differently? Have you ever been given projects for which the deadlines were just unreasonable? Well, if so, then best believe your managers have never done the jobs themselves. You need to be in the field to know how things can be optimized. You…

3 Tips for Job Searching during COVID-19

Searching for jobs during a pandemic is incredibly difficult– and understandably so. Many companies laid off people and cut down on hiring. I also struggled a bit throughout my summer internship search process, but I learned 3 important things from my experience: #1. Don’t take cancellations personally During my second semester of college, I completed…

Career Skills Developed as a Student-Athlete

I am a member of the Women’s lacrosse team at Babson, which means I am a student-athlete! I love lacrosse and wouldn’t give up playing in college for anything. Even though this spring’s season did not happen, I am hopeful that we can play next Spring! There have been times where I have questioned being…

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The Hoffman Family Undergraduate Center for Career Development (CCD): 2020-2021 Corporate Sponsorship Program

英航bson’s Undergraduate Fall Recruiting Season is officially OPEN and going VIRTUAL! To learn more about and register for our career fair, industry spotlight program, and additional ways to engage with undergraduate student talent this fall, TAKE A LOOK! 2020-2021 Corporate Sponsorship Program Opportunities Below you will find various Sponsorship Programs, offering many opportunities for you…

The Reality of Working at a Startup

The days of falling in the crowd are over. When working with a startup, you can expect to be right at the front lines with everyone else. Most college students aim for internships with big corporations like Google or Amazon. But, it’s the underdogs that provide a more valuable experience. Taking Responsibility Working with a…

The Best Part of my Job

Fresh out of a college semester, I was eager to start my new endeavor – internship at the Financial Advisory practice of Deloitte Bulgaria. As every newcomer, I had my doubts and concerns which were reinforced by the global pandemic and the uncertainty of the current times. However, all of my doubts were soon gone…

5 Ways to Increase Productivity During the Pandemic

As college students living and learning remotely during this Pandemic, one of our biggest challenges can be staying focused and motivated. Whether it be online classes, extracurricular involvements or work related activities, being isolated due to social distancing guidelines has changed what it means and feels like to be a “student.” The COVID pandemic has…

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Time is Ticking, Manage it!

Being in a boarding school for six years prior to college where we we had to follow a strict schedule, I had to learn to manage my time well. It was difficult initially, I would find myself behind on an assignment because I did not plan out my time properly and after this happened a…