Under金博宝官网graduate Blog/标签:谈判

Benjamin Norris

Preparing for the Future

Worrying about the future often prompts preparing for it.在MassChallenge,工作人员一直在帮助我们为未来做准备。Last week,a long time MassChallenge employee gave a presentation,at an intern meeting,about salary negotiation.Salary negotiation is a topic most job seekers,including myself,感到畏缩。The presenter addressed then and…

万圣节服装=免费iPod nano

So this Halloween was one of the most festive events of the semester!We had 3 nights of Halloween.星期四是一个在酒吧举行的舞会,他们在那里举行了一场“惊悚片”舞会。I was dressed up like a member of another dance team Hypnotik.Friday was our first ever BON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!It was…