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Miranda Ditmore

Taking the Offer

Ten weeks ago I entered ALKU as a recruiting intern.I didn't know what to expect,if I would like the job,if the people would like me,or if I would be any good.Ten weeks later,I leave the internship with a full time offer.I'm still nervous,like I was on my…

Priscilla Joy Ning

How to Maximize Your Internship

Now that my internship at NatureBox is coming to an end,I have been able to reflect on the many lessons I had the opportunity to learn over the Summer.Three lessons,in particular,stood out to me immediately.With these three,I was able to create immense value,maximize my time at my internship,…

Peer Career Ambassadors

Taking the Risk of Denying the Offer

This 金博宝post was written by Peer Career Ambassador Gyda Sumadi It is safe to say that ma金博宝ny Babson students share the same goal to secure a summer internship well before the nice weather rolls around.AKA many of you already have offers.As ambitious as most of you are,I do not think you would…


Just say thank you

And the end is finally here.It great-grand father (who's also my twin) always told me that when people do right by you,just say thank you.With the end of my internship at Junior Achievement comes a host of thank yous to a number of different people.First,thank you to Joseph Peri,Christopher…