Undergraduate Blog/ Tag: Tech Startup - page 2

You Think These Mistakes Are Obvious For A Startup?

If you have followed my blog, you may have already known that I interned for two companies in 2 completely different industries in this summer, one of which is a F&B startup and the other is a tech one. Both of these startups have stayed in the markets for pretty much the same period of…

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Startups in a NYC leading tech accelerator

今年夏天我在企业家Roundta实习ble Accelerator, a leading tech accelerator in NYC where less than 2% of startups applying are accepted. I’m specifically working in depth with a startup called Woveon, where we help companies derive customer analytics across all their different communication channels with the help of AI and Machine Learning. While…

It All Started as a Side Project

This summer, as I am quickly immersing myself into the tech startup scene here in Philly, I have had the opportunity to meet dozens of founders, leaders, and influencers within this thriving community. Most directly, through my internship at VeryApt, I have been able to get to know the founders of the company and learn…