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Honing Skills From Inside and Outside the Classroom

Throughout my time at Babson so far, I was able to take courses that interested me in the marketing field taught by experienced professors. Introduction to marketing really helped me realize that this was something I would want to do in the future. Professor Sandy Bravo’s passion for marketing really stuck with me. Seeing a…

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The Internship Search

This is my first post for my summer internship at Mid-Market Securities in New York City. I am a rising senior and my ideal career path is to pursue in the investment banking industry now and further on after my graduation. First of all, I would like to talk about how I got into the…

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Reflecting on my Internship Goals

As of today, I’ve spent two months at MainStreet Hammonton, and I’m more confident in my role than ever. Earlier in the week, my supervisor asked if I felt as though my internship has met my expectations before starting. Truthfully, my somewhat vague expectations were thoroughly surpassed. Because MainStreet is such a small organization, I…

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This post was written by Natalie Cullings, Class of 2014. If the words coding, gamification, startup, design, or hacking mean something to you, then CrunchU, TechCrunch’s online learning academy, will definitely be of use to you. Don’t know much about the tech industry? Don’t worry–this online “university” is a great place to start. Modules are…