Living Entrepreneurship Blog/ Tag: Entrepreneurship - page 2

Alexandra Dunk

金博宝Babson Businesses Make the MassChallenge Cut

MassChallenge刚刚宣布了100多家初创企业,将成为2019年波士顿团队的一部分,我们很高兴看到5家巴布森公司在名单上。金博宝MassChallenge是一个由零资产启动加速器组成的网络,with locations in Boston,以色列,Mexico,Rhode Island,Switzerland,and Texas.金博宝Babson student and alumni businesses have a great…

Alexandra Dunk

Focus on Fit: SVP Advisor Clynton Caines

技术不需要很漂亮。To scale,技术人员需要解决一个问题。When we talk about how tech can and should be in tune with customer needs,克莱顿·凯恩斯,the newest advisor to join the Blank Center's Summer Venture Program team,以Craigslist为例。克莱顿解释说克雷格列表的MVP…

Alexandra Dunk

数以百万计的,Moves,and Milestones: Updates from 金博宝Babson Businesses

在过去的几个月里,金博宝Babson student and alumni businesses have launched beta testing,落地资金,获得荣誉,赢得比赛,and explored new partnerships.以下是他们的一些最新消息:19岁的大卫·扎马林和他的初创公司Detrapel,which uses nanotechology in its powerful,无毒喷雾剂保护您的物品,was awarded a bronze…

Alexandra Dunk


For entrepreneurs starting out in the e-commerce space,it can be hard to know what resources to integrate and leverage.在如何通过电子商务销售中,Ross Beyeler '09,成长火花创始人,格架公司首席运营官,shared some incredibly valuable resources with us.As Ross explained,“我很早就发现自己是个企业家,它是…

Alexandra Dunk


学期表:不能和他们一起生活,没有他们就活不下去,definitely can't make sense of them.迈克·康扎,摩根·刘易斯的合伙人,让我们了解了2如何与天使和风险投资条款清单达成一致的一些复杂性。He opened the session by explaining the difference between angel and venture capital.天使…


Entrepreneur Summer Resources 2019

The following 金博宝post is from Cindy Klein Marmer,Associate Director of the Butler Launch Pad program.你是巴布森商学院的学金博宝生还是校友,在寻找资源帮助你在今年夏天摆脱困境?开始利用创业资源,通过注册巴特勒发布会,帮助你的企业向前发展……

Alexandra Dunk

Funding Fit: How 2 Be Bankable

When entrepreneurs are looking to fund their startup,generally they first think of raising money from investors.但是,according to the Kauffman Foundation,"about 40% of initial startup capital in a newly founded business is debt that originates from banks." Lindsay Blakey,Vice President,Business Development Sales Manager,and Michael DiCiaccio,Vice President,商业银行…

Alexandra Dunk

Goal Getters: The 2018-2019 Fast Track Cohort

在学习和生活中做生意的同时,也要兼顾学习和生活,这不是一件容易的事情——但巴布森的企业家们正在做这件事。金博宝And,对他们来说,这是巴特勒发射台的快速通道队列。2018-2019年,a group of under金博宝官网graduate and graduate student and alumni entrepreneurs,在整个学年每周都会得到…

Alexandra Dunk

Ups,Downs,and Lessons: How 2 Survive from Failure

Is failure a f-word?我们说不——尽可能的强硬,there are opportunities that come along with failure.由玛丽·盖尔主持,Senior Lecturer of Entrepreneurship,一个由巴布森大学校友和金博宝教授组成的小组——Emily Lagasse MBA'15,费德威尔宠物食品和佩特威尔供应;Kenneth (K.J.) Neilson MBA'11,企业家;伊恩·索08,…