本科博客金博宝官网/标签:实习 - 4页

联网 While Interning

联网 is a crucial element in developing your professional life.As you intern this summer, take into account that although you might be designated to a specific team and usually stick with that team for the summer, there can be a vast amount of other people that you can get to know if your firm…


The power of data

As my internship at MC (startup accelerator) finishes, I can say that the biggest thing I learned is how powerful data can be in business.When I started my job as the Startup Services Intern at MC, the Startup Services department was in the middle of reinventing how they addressed the needs of 128 startups throughout…


Babson Alumni: Truly Entrepreneurs of All Kinds

This summer, I am working as a part-time intern with Babson College Marketing, focusing mostly on marketing content through Babson’s various networks.One of my duties is to do research and update profiles of current students and alumni in Babson’s Entrepreneurs of All Kinds database.It has been fascinating to see the wide array of…

Working With Other Interns

This summer has been all about collaboration and teamwork.As mentioned in my other posts, I’ve been working closely with two other interns this summer in preparing to launch our company’s eCommerce site.We are all the same year and age but all coming from different schools with completely different backgrounds.One is a finance…

Methods to Staying Fit While Working in an Office

Exercising is great not just to stay fit, but to also relax and destress.With 40+ hour work weeks, staying fit might become a challenge for us from time to time.in addition, if your office doesn’t have an in-house fitness center, it is easy for the summer to knock you out of shape.Below…


I’ve always been an Intern

I’ve always been an Intern Since junior year of high school, I have always had at least one internship.I have gotten used to juggling coffees, sweeping the floors — doing the things that no one else wants to do.Although it may not always be the most glamorous position in a company, being an…


Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Before diving into my email/contact follow up schedule, a quick update on my internship.Phew, cannot believe that three weeks has already gone by, it feels like I started yesterday.我一直在配备五个项目:一个转机 where I am working directly with the CEO, a sell side where I will be sitting…

Kirishika Krishnarajah

Nearing the End

With only 2 weeks left of my internship, I definitely started thinking about the next steps I want to take not only with ALKU, but with myself as well.I had to take a step back and think about where I wanted to end up after graduation and how that was going to play out.…

Kirishika Krishnarajah

Working in a Startup Division

At ALKU there are multiple different divisions throughout the company that work to help consultants placed on projects such as Workday, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Device, Oracle, and Epic.Epic is the division I am currently working with and it is relatively new.Although working with such a new startup like division has its perks it is…


Was Babson The Right Choice?Five Things I’ve Learned While Interning This Summer

Before being lured in by business and deciding to attend Babson College, I had once aspired to follow the very untraditional (sarcasm) route of majoring in political science/international relations, taking out a couple of hundred thousand dollar loans in order to attend law school, and ultimately “changing the world.” However, the summer before my senior year…