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The last days of summer internships are coming and with them you have to prepare for the big closing. Just like wrapping up conversations and final projects, you want to leave your internship and supervisors with a bang! Reflection. First and foremost, reflect about your internship. Write down the things that you learned, that you…

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Network with Young Professionals


联网While Interning

联网is a crucial element in developing your professional life. As you intern this summer, take into account that although you might be designated to a specific team and usually stick with that team for the summer, there can be a vast amount of other people that you can get to know if your firm…

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英航bson Alumni: Truly Entrepreneurs of All Kinds

This summer, I am working as a part-time intern with Babson College Marketing, focusing mostly on marketing content through Babson’s various networks. One of my duties is to do research and update profiles of current students and alumni in Babson’s Entrepreneurs of All Kinds database. It has been fascinating to see the wide array of…

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Since my Sophomore year of high school, I have always had at least one internship. From all of these experiences, I have gotten my share of coffees in addition to getting my share of feedback from managers. From those experiences and feedback, I have come up with a few things that can set you apart…

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The Yes Intern!


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